Control of river erosion

Erosion in Rivers and Estuaries can create enormous damage to existing structures such as pontoons.
When well dimensioned, designed and built, PVC Sheet Piles can be very effective and relatively economical.
Combined with the surrounding ground and vegetation, PVC Sheet Piles #pvcsheetpiles can be delivered in different colors for a perfect aesthetical impression.
PVC Sheet Piles are known as a sustainable material, 100% recyclable and manufactured with recycled materials for a long lifetime without maintenance.

Protection and resistance to damaged materials

Building materials become old over the years and in accordance with their environmental surroundings. Most of the time, due to their ill maintenance, these materials need to be replaced or wrapped in other materials that give them resistance.

The PVC sheet piles aggregate several benefits in one material:

  • Resistant
  • Lightweight
  • Made from recycled materials
  • Recyclable
  • Groundwaterproofing
  • Does not contaminate water
  • No corrosion
  • Maintenance free
  • Aesthetically well incorporated into the environment

Hydraulic barriers against infiltration

River tides can damage or even destroy roads and concrete protection walls.

To not damage the environment, reduce CO2 emissions and protect those areas, PVC sheet piles are a perfect solution.

The variety of colors can be combined with the surrounding ground and/or vegetation for a perfect aesthetical impression.

PVC Sheet Piles are known as a sustainable material, 100% recyclable and manufactured with recycled materials with a long lifetime without maintenance.



Construction of irrigation channels

The main purpose of irrigation channels is to convey water to and from a source (dam and river) to different places or users at the right moment and quantity of needs and reduce water losses as much as possible. To prevent the channels from flooding, erosion, control the water level inside the buffers by gravity offtakes as well as soil impermeabilization, PVC Sheet Piles #pvcsheetpiles are perfect to be used for construction of these channels.

Combined with the surrounding area and vegetation, PVC Sheet Piles #pvcsheetpiles can be delivered in different colours for a perfect aesthetical impression.

PVC Sheet Piles are a sustainable material which belongs to the circular economy and most important, maintenance free.

PVC Sheet Piles are known as a sustainable material, 100% recyclable and manufactured with recycled materials with a long lifetime without maintenance.

Artificial Lakes and Reservoirs

Artificial lakes and reservoirs are built to retain water for irrigation of Golf courses, but also in areas where no water supply is available for forest fires or other catastrophes.

Reservoirs can be created in many ways. For example, control a watercourse that drains an existing volume of water. Interrupting a watercourse to form an embankment within it, through excavation, or building several retaining walls or dams.

To be sure water is there when needed and not been disappearing by seeping thru a rusty wall, PVC sheet piles can be the solution for a long lifetime without any maintenance. Aesthetically PVC sheet piles can be one with the surrounding environment.

And as a bonus, when using PVC sheet piles the contractor saves a lot of money on transportation, there PVC sheet piles are a lightweight material, which makes a full truckload of about 100 sheet piles only have a total weight of 15.000 to 20.000 kg.

Erosion control bulkheads

River and estuaries erosion can create big damages along roads or properties. When properly designed and constructed, bulkheads can be very effective and relatively economical.

Bulkheads can be built with PVC Sheet Piles #pvcsheetpiles.

Combined with the surrounding ground and vegetation, PVC Sheet Piles #pvcsheetpiles can be delivered in different colors for a perfect aesthetical impression.

PVC Sheet Piles are known as a sustainable material, 100% recyclable and manufactured with recycled materials for a long lifetime without maintenance.

Erosion and coastal protection

Today global warming is a hot topic to talk about.

We see it happening around us, see the weather changing and hope for our children to have a future on this planet.

Due to the excessive amount of water which is falling from the sky today in the form of rain, our coasts and river shores must be strong to handle all the water which is passing.

Natural shore protection today needs extra help to keep their strength. PVC sheet piles can be a great help to make shores and coasts stronger for many years to come.

It doesn´t have to look like a boring wall but can be a combination of natural products with a wall behind it or in the ground to give the extra strength the shores need.

Rusty steel wall in salt water

Is this problem familiar to you? Rusty sheet piles installed in salt water.

First, it looks horrible, but most of all it also influences the stability of the wall structure in a negative way. To solve this problem, in many project cases it is also possible to use #pvcsheetpiles.

Easy to handle, no maintenance and UV protected.

Hydraulic barrier and retaining walls

The choice of materials is increasingly being discussed. Until a few years ago, everything was thought of in and with heavy materials, highly resistant, but also easily corrosive and unstable when not executed under the best conditions. The influences of the tide in our works may bring great constraints associated with gross weights and lack of soil sealing.

PVC sheet piles combine several factors in one material:

  • Resistant
  • Lightweight
  • Made from recycled materials
  • Recyclable
  • Groundwaterproofing
  • Does not contaminate water
  • No corrosion
  • Maintenance free
  • Aesthetically well incorporated into the environment
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